Print Iraq for online printing service

One-third of A4

Among other invoice printing products of the collection, printing of invoices is one third of A4. Invoice printing is provided in two ways: single sheet (cheque type) and 2 or 3 sheets. Printing of 2-sheet or 3-sheet invoices will also be offered and printed in 70 type with 60 gram paper or carbonless. All invoices of the collection are printed in black monochrome. The printing of the invoice is bound in full and with a red number. "When printing the invoice, a sheet will be delivered for each number corresponding to the number of sheets you have selected. For example, in choosing 2000 3-sheet issues, 3 sheets will be delivered for each issue, which means that for an order of 2000 issues, 6000 sheets will be delivered.

فاکتور تک برگی | دسته چکی

Number PrintingSide Size Price Order
3000 1 70gm $0.00
6000 1 70gm $0.00
9000 1 70gm $0.00

فاکتور قبضی چند برگی

Number PrintingSide Size Description Price Order
3000 1 70gm $0.00
6000 1 70gm $0.00
9000 1 70gm $0.00
3000 1 Carbonless $0.00
6000 1 Carbonless $0.00
9000 1 Carbonless $0.00